I am a member of several camera clubs, including fStops Camera Club, Valley Photo Club, Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association and Photography Society of America. Why 4 clubs? They each provide a different experience. I highly recommend getting involved in a club for inspiration, critical review, learning new techniques and being with people on a similar journey.
My images are available for sale. If interested, use the contact form on this website to give me your information and we can make it happen. I print my own images up to 19X13" and can have larger prints made to order.
I use Olympus micro four thirds cameras, having switched from the heavier full-framed DSLRs I owned previously. Why? The mirrorless cameras are easier to carry (lighter and less bulky) and produce great results. They are weather sealed, making them great for travel and poor weather conditions. Additionally, they offer many useful features, such as 5 or more stops of image stabilization, focus stacking and live composition. I rarely need to use a tripod.
Lloyd’s Media Presence
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lloyd.delaney.7
Instagram: delaney286
Camera Club Links
fStops Camera Club: fstopscameraclub.com
Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association: https://www.cippa.org
Photographic Society of America: http://psadigital.org
VPC Valley Photo Club: find on Facebook